Sunday 26 September 2010

Somewhere over the rainbow...

There is a pot of gold waiting for me so i can ship/fly/train/ferry (you get the picture) everyone here:

Double Island

Where we would be going if money was no object and everyone was free to fly :)

Pretty white things...

So those who know me well know that i make very little effort with my appearance on a day to day basis but absolutely love getting dressed up for things - so much so that i tend to over dress! So speaking of dresses.... The reason why i am dieting (every picture i've seen of someone in this dress they have been a size 8!!! S**t!!

I love the Spanish, flamenco feel of this dress!!

So the story behind it is that i saw it in a shop window of a bridal store in Summertown as i was driving to work in Oxford from Banbury. I only caught a glance of the dress, but was determined to find it so i looked the shop up online and thankfully the dress was there - a Pronovias dress (i'd fallen in love with a few dresses already from them)!!

Later on, i saw it again on the program Don't Tell the Bride, and i became a bit of a green eyed monster and could quite happily have ripped the bride's eyes out :) I now understand the term 'bridezilla', oh dear....

The hills are alive, with the sound of bagpipes!

Been avoiding dissertation amendments by looking up wedding venues in Scotland :) It's quite hard finding a small intimate venue that can accommodate 30+ people... But there are some lovely grand castles in every neck of the woods!

Here are two that i found today that seem to do the small and intimate well as well as having enough accommodation for most of our guests too...

Kinloch House


Harburn House

Lovely gardens for the ceremony and somewhere to hide if the heavens open up :D

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Feeling like a deflated balloon!

Beginning to realise that having family and friends from all parts of the globe is not wedding friendly (i know i should have realised this earlier but i was too excited and busy making grand plans!). Spoke with mum earlier this week and it looks like my guest list is looking a little lonely... My parents and brother (of course) and a few friends in the UK. The family friends that i wanted to come from Australia are now more than likely not going to be able to afford to come :( and of course most of my friends live in Australia and likewise wouldn't be able to come... double :(  Equally it is unreasonable to ask Matt's family and friends to come to Australia, and no, finding a halfway point would still be expensive and not feasible... I need to find a way to blow up this balloon again as at the moment i'm not feeling like having a wedding at all... It is of course Matt's fault, he should have come from Australia!!

Sunday 19 September 2010

The sparkly ring.

Chosen by Matt all by himself - from a quirky little jewellers in Exeter. Love it!

Location, location, location...

This is now doing my head in! I keep coming up with ideas, some of them plausible others not so much so and not all of them are approved by the groom :P 
Can i had a show of hands of what y'all think about:

Where should we get married?
a humanist ceremony and reception in Scotland.
a humanist ceremony in Scotland and reception in Portugal.
a civil ceremony and reception in Oxfordshire.
a humanist ceremony and reception in Queensland, Australia. free polls

The engagement... June 5, 2010

Was absolutely magical. We walked along the seaside path to the pub we had our first date - me clueless as anything had no idea what was about to happen! We had a drink in the sunshine and then Matt took me for a walk to a cliff top where he sat me down and asked if I would be his wife! Couldn't have thought it up better myself :)